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Northwest Neighborhood Veterinary Hospital

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Veterinary Surgery

Veterinary Surgery

Veterinary Surgery

If your pet ever requires surgery, rest assured that he or she will receive only the best of care at Northwest Neighborhood Veterinary Hospital. Our skilled surgeons and knowledgeable nursing staff use advanced anesthesia, monitoring, and pain management techniques in order to provide patients with the safest and most comfortable experience possible.

Experience and Training

Our veterinarians have extensive experience performing a variety of soft tissue procedures, including:

  • Spays
  • Neuters
  • Biopsies
  • Exploratory procedures
  • Removal of foreign objects
  • Eye surgeries, including cherry eye, entropion, and eyelid tumor removals
  • Ear surgeries, to treat conditions such as hematomas and ear canal deformations
  • Skin surgeries, including wound repairs and tumor removals
  • Bladder stone removals
  • Gastropexy to prevent torsion bloat in large-breed dogs

At Northwest Neighborhood Veterinary Hospital, we understand that each member of the surgical team plays a vital role. In addition, many of them worked at veterinary surgical practices prior to joining our hospital, so they have a thorough background in anesthesia monitoring and surgical support.

In order to ensure that we are educated in the most current drug and monitoring protocols, our veterinarians and staff receive regular training from board-certified veterinary anesthesiologists.

Surgery Safety Protocols

Your pet’s safety and well-being will always come first with us. That’s why we have extensive safety protocols in place throughout each stage of treatment. Here is an overview of many of them.

Prior to undergoing surgery, patients are given a pre-anesthetic blood profile to ensure that their organs and systems are healthy enough to proceed.

Intravenous (IV) catheters are used for most surgical procedures. They enable us to administer fluids to keep the patient hydrated and help maintain a healthy blood pressure. Should an emergency arise, an IV catheter provides an immediate way for us to administer much-needed medications. It also enables us to flush drugs out from the pet’s system once the procedure is complete, so he or she can recover more rapidly.

Our specialized surgical suite is equipped with the latest in advanced monitoring equipment. While your pet is under anesthesia, a veterinary technician will continually review his or her vital parameters. These include blood pressure, heart rate, electrocardiography (ECG), blood oxygenation, respiration rate, CO2, and temperature. While our veterinary nurse ensures everything is proceeding as it should, our veterinary surgeon is able to stay focused on the details of the procedure.

Pet Pain Management

Our veterinarians and staff are very aggressive when it comes to pain management for our patients. We want them to be as comfortable as possible before, during, and after the procedure.

To that end, our veterinarians use the newest and safest anesthetics available for preoperative sedation and preemptive pain management. The anesthetics we use are specifically tailored to each pet patient’s unique needs.

In addition, we employ multi-nodal pain control, where multiple medications are used simultaneously in order to lessen the amount of each one required. Not only is this more effective in controlling your pet’s discomfort, it also reduces the risk of potential side effects.