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It’s a Dog Eat Cob World

Roast ‘em, boil ‘em, butter ‘em, salt ‘em—there’s just no way to mess up corn on the cob! But every summer we see dogs get into trouble because they ingest corn cobs. Dogs scrounging around after BBQs and picnics or getting access to the compost bin may swallow  chunks of cob that gets lodged in their intestinal tract and can cause a blockage.

Corncobs don’t show up on X-rays—so they can easily be missed when vomiting dogs are examined delaying diagnosis  and increasing complications. Often by the time a corn cob is discovered, surgery is the only option.

The moral of the story? Corncobs belong in the garbage, well out of paw’s reach! If you toss them on a compost pile, make sure it’s secure, as compost poisoning of all types is another frequent cause of hospitalization for our pets.

As always, if you think your dog may have ingested a corn cob or anything potentially dangerous, contact us at 503-227-6047.